Hyundai E&C’s corporate philosophy, “We Build Tomorrow,” is conveyed under a new theme, “Origin.” Hyundai E&C is a global construction company that played an instrumental role in establishing the construction industry in Korea. A simple, straightforward, and honest design was used to communicate the company’s world-class vision, construction capabilities, and performance.
대한민국 건설 종가(宗家)이자 글로벌 건설사인 현대건설의 기업철학, ‘We Build Tomorrow’를‘Origin’이라는 새로운 테마로 풀어냈다. 세계적인 시공능력, 실적, 기업비전 등이 기교와 과장을 덜어낸 심플한 디자인에 담겼다.
Hyundai E&C’s corporate philosophy, “We Build Tomorrow,” is conveyed under a new theme, “Origin.” Hyundai E&C is a global construction company that played an instrumental role in establishing the construction industry in Korea. A simple, straightforward, and honest design was used to communicate the company’s world-class vision, construction capabilities, and performance.
대한민국 건설 종가(宗家)이자 글로벌 건설사인 현대건설의 기업철학, ‘We Build Tomorrow’를‘Origin’이라는 새로운 테마로 풀어냈다. 세계적인 시공능력, 실적, 기업비전 등이 기교와 과장을 덜어낸 심플한 디자인에 담겼다.